
In data de 8 Martie , Ziua Internationala a Femeii este sarbatorita in toata lumea.

INVICTUS company is honored to be in the service of military school units again, by delivering the uniforms


We honour the officers of the Romanian Army who received the new uniform and we honour those who made it!
Congratulations to the entire INVICTUS team for the success of this project an

The football team of the Professional Military League recorded a very good result in the 10th edition of the "Companies' Superleague&quot

The process of designing and manufacturing a representation uniform is a complex one, in which a team of specialists in classical design, CAD design a

Since its establishment as a joint stock company in 2018 and the division from ADINA SRL (a company with a history of 27 years at that time), INVICTUS

Based on its environmental protection management policy, INVICTUS FORCE & SAFE S.A.